Uber-Cannabis Cab


Necessity, as we say down here on the entrepreneurial South End, is the midwife of the profit motive. We got loads of friends living lives of quiet desperation in the northern reaches of the island, so close to the Bud Hut cannabis outlet they can practically smell the Zig Zag papers burning, and yet … sadly, tragically, they can’t bring themselves to drive in for a pharmacological remedy to their ongoing depression. Boss might see the logo on their truck, parents might recognize their vehicle by the highway in the parking lot, church members might cast them into the Darkness when they discover the true nature of their sins. It’s a conundrum. It’s frustrating. It’s so close … and yet, so very far.

Sure, they could put on a disguise and hitchhike to the Hut, but those dark days of verboten pleasures are spozed to be over. Grass is legal. Let the sun shine in! But these poor souls live in the shadows still, purchasing weed from disreputable dealers (mostly us South Enders) and cowering in fear they will be discovered and Cast Out. Apparently non-conformism isn’t an option up north in Stepford. So be it. We could, of course, sit back and smirk, but that’s not the South End Way. No, ours is the missionary’s way, provide support, offer aid and comfort, then hope they’ll convert to our brand of Truth and Light. Meanwhile, we’re here to help. And if we can turn a buck, all the better….

Uber-Delivery! That’s right, a pick-up service in non-descript vehicles, fill your order and return to your driveway, package in tow, all for a nominal fee. Our new app will allow for even faster service and payment is only a click or two away. Let us worry about the legalities. We’re accustomed to the ambiguities of the law. You sit back with your favorite canniboid and just enjoy, anonymous as you care to be. Life, as we say so often down here, is Easy. Uber-Delivery, we take the worry out of purchasing. Call today!

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