spending the kids’ inheritance
The other day I was trailing behind a 40 foot RV trailer, sort of a McMansion on wheels, reading their bumper sticker that announced: SPENDING OUR KIDS’ INHERITANCE. Pretty hilarious stuff. I bet the kids fall over laughing when the folks come rolling in for a month to visit. $200,000 for the camper. 3-4 bucks a gallon times multiple crisscrossing of America. Yah, I’d say the joke has some real mileage. Great punchline. Put another sticker on the SUV they’re towing, you got a bellybuster.
I know these people. They think they’re taxed like a Roman peasant. They think government is mostly the real enemy, spending their hard earned money on welfare and food stamps and mental health clinics and emergency relief and worse, wasting it through inefficiency and bureaucratic ineptness and just plain graft and greed. They think minimum wage should be lowered and taxes eliminated. They got theirs and good luck to the rest of you suckers. The road they’re riding can crumble into blacktop sand after they sail by.
They know the country is in trouble, big debt, bad balance of trade, recession, all that economic mumbo jumbo. But they’re not going to help get us out of the mess they helped put is in. The bumper sticker they got, they could slap on the White House or Congress or any county courthouse. They got the union jobs before unions were corrupt. They worked for the government sector before government was evil, they fought for tax breaks for the rich once they were rich and if you missed out, tough luck.
I know these people. They’re my friends and my neighbors and I can even see them in my own bathroom mirror. They don’t believe in sacrifice … or the common good … or downsizing … or that the American Dream is supposed to be for all of us. It was for them. The rest, the huddled and tired masses, the immigrants, the poor, the weak and the infirm —- they got some hard news for you. They’re spending your inheritance. Ha ha ha, ho ho ho. Get the joke? Do ya, huh? It’s on you!
My generation will maybe be remembered, not as the most selfish sonsofbitches on the planet, but as those whacky comedians at the End of the American Century. By then, of course, nobody will be laughing.
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