Covid Zombies (audio)
Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on October 29th, 2021 by skeeterHits: 16
Hits: 16
Last week I drove an hour to get my Covid booster shot, barely 6 months since my 2ndf Phizer. More people in this country have died of this epidemic than the 1919 Spanish Flu, 700,000 and counting. And yet I still hear folks saying those deaths weren’t from Covid, they were from the common flu or underlying conditions or … well, those are phony numbers.
So … we’re back to where we were a year ago DESPITE THE FACT that we have a vaccine available to everyone in this country that would end this plague PDQ if only folks would roll up their sleeve and stop listening to conspiracy theories and crackpot idiocy. Course, they’re not going to stop believing whatever it is they want to believe. They’re not going to roll up their sleeves. They’re not going to protect themselves or us, not on their lives.
What I think is half of us have succumbed to a brain-eating virus or worm or bacteria. They still walk and talk and make babies, but their minds have been destroyed by, I don’t know, aliens or Facebook or remnant rebels of the Confederacy. Maybe this is really a Covid-induced quasi-coma, an undiagnosed malady that renders its victims incapable of reason or logic, a version of intellectual zombie-ism without the appetite for human flesh.
Or … maybe it’s those of us who think science is benign and the vaccines are safe and the earth is still roundish, maybe we’re the deluded, the victims, the last holdouts for logic and reason, the gullible who think the coronavirus is lethal when really it’s just a tactic to divide this once great nation.
Either way, it looks like another year to think about it. Hopefully the zombies don’t develop a taste for human blood in the meantime.
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