Calling the Pot Black

Posted in rantings and ravings on September 2nd, 2018 by skeeter

The Commander in Chief tweeted out today that Google was biased against him, all those searches that turn up negative stuff on him, only proving that the monolithic search engine is nothing but a left wing conspiracy. Other than Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars, Russian bots and some neo-Nazi blogsites, the entire world is out to get him. So unfair! More unfair than at any other time in the history of the modern world. Maybe even before.

You got to feel for the little guy, cornered like a possum in the tree top he thought would save him. The most powerful man in the world and he acts like a 6 year old punk with his hand in the cookie jar. It’s enough to make you feel sorry for him, this mess he’s gotten himself into when all he wanted in the first place was to bolster the brand. TRUMP. Synonymous with wealth and prestige. Trump Steaks, Trump Hats, Trump Tower, Trump Urinal Soap. President? Well, surprise or not, all the better to sell the brand. Who knew being Leader of the Free World could be so hard?

And a lot harder when half his days are spent strategizing about those illegalities he doesn’t think are really criminal. You don’t like the news, call it fake. You don’t like Google, call em biased. You don’t like the rats who snitch on you before jumping ship, say it shouldn’t be legal to get immunity. You don’t like people who criticize you, don’t lower the flag when they die. Only 36% of the electorate approve of the man’s presidential stint and over half want him impeached, according to the fake news’ polling today. These are tough times for the Man in the High Tower. Tougher yet for those of us down on the ground.

His accomplices are singing like canaries and making deals with prosecutors now that they see the hounds closing in. Mueller keeps digging, corroborating evidence is piling up, the Trumpster’s personal attorney spent 30 hours testifying. You don’t believe all this, Google it up. Oh, right, never mind. Those negative stories, they’re just fake facts….

Hits: 40
