In the Time of Plague

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 14th, 2020 by skeeter

Well, the liberals attempt to embarrass the President with all this talk of pandemic apparently is working nicely. The Doc-in-Chief came on network TV in a rare non-tweet appearance to calm the jittery nerves of a nation only beginning to sense the gravity of the tsunami of disease coming to our shores. He bragged about the strength of our economy, better than it’s ever been of course, as if the stock market would rebound in the morning and our money would show this virus who was really boss. He blamed the Europeans for not handling this plague and banned them from coming to our blessed country. He told us he had the very best medical staff working on the problem. He was going to delay the day we would ordinarily pay income taxes and give tax breaks to small businesses affected adversely by coronavirus.

This morning he tweeted corrections to most of the above. Ireland is okay to come on over. U.S. citizens could still fly. Co-pay for the epidemic treatments really meant just the tests for the disease. You know, when we get test kits. Needless to say the stock market plunged to new lows. Nothing like bogus reassurance to give investors major jitters. The plague is coming and no one is doing much of anything about it except blame foreigners and mumble how great America is. Again.

The Great Panic of 2020 is starting. Schools are closing for months at a time, sports are being played with nobody allowed in the stands, tournaments are canceled, concerts are canceled, the South End String Band was canceled twice! As a small but unprofitable bizness, the Band should see fiscal relief from this administration but I’m betting it won’t be soon, probably the true definition of ‘social distancing.’ What we saw last night was proof that nobody is driving the bus. And the bus is definitely off the highway now, headed who knows where. Trump is worried about the Dow Jones and his chances for re-election if the economy tanks. The rest of us are worried that it’s a long way off before November, plenty of time to do maximum damage. And I doubt we’ll be blaming the Europeans. Like the Man said a few short days ago, stay calm and continue going to work. Coronavirus is basically a bad cold. Nothing to fear but fear of the facts themselves….

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