Posted in rantings and ravings on April 15th, 2022 by skeeterUndoubtedly there are those among you who think old Skeeter is a Neanderthal, burns wood for his heat, grows a garden for his food, hunts crustaceans for fun and meals. He doesn’t have a real job, doesn’t commute, refuses to own a cellphone, drives an old truck to the dump or the store once in awhile and still writes handwritten letters. He builds most of what he needs from banjos to boats, furniture to stained glass windows, sheds to houses. If this were the 1800’s, you might think of him as a pioneer, but those times are long gone. Now he’s just an anachronism. Or so you might think.
Let me dissuade you of that quaint and unfounded notion. Old Skeeter keeps up with the times, my friend, you best believe. Just because he uses a landline and eschews social media doesn’t make him a troglodyte, no sir, he’s a sly fox, careful to evade unwanted intrusions by the authorities or reality. He pays attention to the Trends and then, when least expected, jumps ahead of the Game. I’m talking, of course, about cryptocurrencies and non fungible tokens, block chains and hyper-encryption. And because you’ve been loyal readers all these years, I’m giving you front seat to the money making opportunity of your lifetime.
CryptoDaddle. Not just another cryptocurrency but a full service monetary alternative to the outmoded cash and credit card society that is, unless you haven’t been paying attention like Skeeter has, completely primitive and obsolete. You might as well be carrying wampum in your wallets. CryptoDaddle is the investment opportunity for futuristic visionaries like yourselves, a chance to get in on the ground floor of what will be the gold standard of the 21st century. Combining NFT’s with cryptocurrency, CryptoDaddle is an amalgam of digital artworks coupled with blockchained virtual monetary instruments, an elegant and lucrative hedge for those of you worried about inflationary trends, political upheaval and an increasingly unsettled global environment. NFT artworks of each and every creation of the Skeeter Daddle oeuvre will fast become the coin of the realm, gaining in value with each secure transaction. Finally aesthetics will dictate finance. And you, my friends, have the rare opportunity to … well, without being too crass … to cash in. Don’t delay, the future is yours and so is the wealth. CryptoDaddle, far far ahead of its time. Like Skeeter hisself.
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