Welcome to the Metaverse, Same as the Old

Posted in rantings and ravings on February 1st, 2022 by skeeter

So you’re wondering what exactly the Metaverse will look like when you take that first virtual stroll into La-La Land. I’m here to help. Imagine you’re inside your TV. Okay, imagine you’re in your Laz-Y-Boy watching your big fatscreen TV, the one with the excellent surround sound and the bass. You got your hi def and you’re on the joystick. Okay, the remote. Mr. In Control, captain of your own destiny. Okay, not your destiny exactly, your virtual world. Close enough.

The Metaverse is the Matrix. A simulation, a construct, an algorithmic extrapolation of your present world. Think of all those blogsites you check on for Qanon updates, Bigfoot sightings, extraterrestrial abductions, vaccine caused deaths, Trump tweets … but in 3-D! Sure, you got to put on the google glasses, no big deal. Basically, see, you already live in the Meta. It’s the parallel universe you live in when you got tired of facts and ordinary reality. And … it’s way more exciting! It’s a better reality. Otherwise, why would you go there?

Plus, you get to be the hero in your own simulation. Go anywhere, do anything, be whatever you want. Course, you’ll probably stay with the conspiracy theory stuff, maybe hang out with the gaming crowd, mostly violent war simulations, bang bang boom boom. Not that you’d have to stay with that but c’mon, it’s what you do now basically, just better graphics once that 5-G is universal. You can pick your own avatar, better looking, buff, a real babe magnet. Or not. Your choice. You’ll be able to buy clothes for your virtual self. Shoes, combat outfits, weapons, the works. It’ll all be available in the Meta, count on it. And count on those pop up ads letting you know what’s on sale, what’s a great buy, where to get it, all on the virtual store’s inventory. Great! You got it covered, little buddy. A world of your making.

Okay, not quite. A world of high tech’s making, but … one you’ll definitely love living in. Better than the analog world, right? Right? Of course I’m right. Otherwise, why would you spend time in that universe instead of in the boring old world. Buckle up, you’re gonna love the ride. I know, you’re halfway there already.

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