Doomscrolling (audio)

Posted in Uncategorized on July 24th, 2020 by skeeter

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Posted in rantings and ravings on July 23rd, 2020 by skeeter

This is Year One in the Plague Era. If you follow the death reports, the daily Covid cases, all the statistics from all the states, you can monitor the slow and inexorable spread of the virus. If you’re holed up in your Covid cocoon with only the weekly grocery run wearing your mask and your shields, you have plenty of time to read plague predictions, even time to research pandemics throughout history. It’s a frightening read. Millions dead of bubonic, AIDS, smallpox, cholera, flu, you name it, it ravaged the civilized and uncivilized world.

Occasionally I peek at the coronavirus stats for the world, the nation, even the counties of my state, Washington. My county, Island County, for the past month or so had a death toll of 12. A few days ago we were listed as 11 dead. I figured a misprint, checked the following day and the day after, but nope, 11 dead now. This is great news for those who think the plague is a political prank or a liberal hoax. Even better news for those who believe the President when he claims the virus will just fade away. Not only will it fade away, the dead will return to life!!

I love magical thinking as much as the next superstitious anti-vaccine yahoo, believe me. I want to throw my plague mask in the trashcan and go back to partying with my pals down at the local watering hole. If I get sick, so what? Survival of the fittest, right? Except, I don’t want to believe in Darwinism, none of that scientific hocus pocus baloney you get every day in the fear infested media. And if I die of this disease, well, a chance in 12 I’ll return to the living, how’s that for statistical analysis? And don’t get me going on zombies. Nobody is talking zombie here.

All I’m saying is, like the President, let’s be optimistic. This thing is headed in the right direction. Be of good cheer. Stop doomscrolling. Stop worrying. We’re going to be fine and even the dead will be home soon. Count on it. But stop counting.

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