12 Angry Men (and Women)

Posted in rantings and ravings on May 31st, 2024 by skeeter

So our President-in-Exile had his day in court. Weeks, really, and today the judge gave the jury their instructions, then sequestered them. Even took away their cellphones and wi-fi, which, if I’m guessing correctly, should induce a hasty verdict due to social media withdrawal, tempers on edge, plenty of shouting and wailing in the jury room, ‘for godsake, everybody, I need my phone!”

Mister Trump, despite declaring he would most certainly testify in his own behalf, declined to take the stand. Or the oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. His accuser, Michael Cohen, was a serial liar, a point reiterated countless times by the defense attorneys. As for their client, well, you be the judge.

This, ladies and gentlemen of the blog jury, is the America this defendant made great again. Divided and angry. A corrupt Supreme Court that takes bribes and flies an upside down flag supporting insurrection without shame or recusals. A do-nothing Congress. Red states vs. Blue. If anyone thinks this narcissistic phoney baloney business man, a serial liar and a rapist, a man completely devoid of morality, is the answer and not the problem, I got a bridge I’d love to sell you. To Reality.

Of course if the jury finds our Savior guilty, it will be like the last election, rigged. You can’t trust the courts … or the police … or the government. The states, the Feds, the Democrats, Joe Biden — all out to get him, to bring him down, to prevent him from saving America. Never show remorse, never apologize, never compromise, never be a loser, never stop blaming others.

12 people are sitting in judgement right now while the world is watching. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll decide if America is great again. Meanwhile, it’s a real cliffhanger of a story.

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