You think YOU got grievances?

Posted in rantings and ravings on June 10th, 2024 by skeeter

I guess I live in a country of Whiners. Crybaby pissed off yahoos who think the world or the government or their parents owes them an apology for the injustices done to them daily. Take a few hours to listen to hot talk radio, you know, if you can tear yourself away from the trolls on social media. Angry angry people, raging against … well, near as I can tell, just about anything and everything. These aren’t the folks living in their cars, the ones working minimum wage, the people without health care … naw, they’re doing fine. Just not fine enough! They got axes to grind, they have beefs with the System, they’re unhappy and someone else is to blame. That someone needs to be punished.

Gas costs too much … even though they drive SUV’s that get piss poor mileage. They want a house bigger than their parents’. They want cheaper groceries but not the stuff they’d have to prepare themselves. They think people on welfare are stealing their taxes. They think the cities are cesspools of crime and corruption. They think minorities and folks with different definitions of sex are morally bankrupt. Immigrants are taking their jobs, immigrants are getting free health care and food stamps. Immigrants are replacing them!

The libraries are filled with pornography. Drag queens are corrupting their kids. Transgender predators are stalking the women’s bathrooms. Drug addicts are pampered and criminals are let loose. Moslems want sharia law in their state, elections are being stolen, the country’s gone to hell. Even our ex-President complains constantly how poorly he’s been treated, the worst in the history of the world. This from a guy who claims to be one of the richest smartest most successful people on the planet! If he has gripes, how pitiful yours are.

He promises to be your Warrior, your Avenger, your Salvation. He feels your pain. More than you do by a factor of a thousand. Pain? You couldn’t handle his pain!

So much for self-reliance. So much for that much touted Can-Do gumption. So much for the myth of the tough guy American. Naw, we’re pathetic victims now, mewling whiners, aggrieved citizens. Look at what they’ve done to us, the bad mean people. Better to hide in our houses and listen to the other whiners. Nothing we can do. Other than gripe and complain.

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