My Fetus Can Buy a Gun Now (audio)
Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on August 9th, 2022 by skeeterHits: 110
Hits: 110
Babies have rights, in case you’re some libtard snowflake living under a bituminous rock who thinks they have to go through 9 months of gestation before they can get a driver’s license or a social security number. Unborn babies have the same rights as we do, sweetheart. They can get a tax deduction from the IRS, sign up for pre-natal care subsidies, get a concealed weapon permit, use the HOV lanes with their mom and … well, they’ve got the same rights as you and me. Of course, if you’re a pregnant mother of one of these unborns, you better behave. Drinking, drugs, smoking cigarettes or vaping, that’s child abuse now, clear and simple. Light up a Camel, you should be arrested, fined or both. Personhood cuts both ways….
I’m wondering if sperm might qualify for personhood. Lots of those out there, potential humans, and if states start to outlaw birth control, well, there’s all the evidence you need for claiming a few extra deductions come tax time. Probably get a refund in 6 figures every year. Me, I had a vasectomy at 21 so I lose out in any case. My bad luck for killing all those potential kids I never had. Might even get me hauled into jail for mass murder. My cross to bear, I guess.
Nevertheless, it might be nice if we had the same concern for kids after they’re born as we seem to prior. You want the government telling you you have to give birth to that unwanted fetus, let them help out, let them pony up some money for food and rent, maybe find you some daycare that’s affordable enough to let you work your minimum wage job, let them be the nanny state they seem to hate unless it’s got something to do with controlling your own body. Life, so they holler, is precious. Don’t want to stop a beating heart … unless we use a gas chamber or a drone missile.
And I don’t even want to get into the stem cell controversy. More slippery a slope than the birth canal. All I know is babies in the womb are protected now from pretty much every threat from abortion loving woke liberals. Good luck once they’re born, life will get a little tougher. Probably why they’ll need that concealed carry permit.
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