Colder’n a welldriller’s ass

One of the reasons there’s only a handful of folks on the South End is you used to have to hand dig your wells. My well’s l05 feet deep, dug by some poor pioneer with a shovel, a bucket, a rope, a light and somebody up top he trusted more than I trust ANYBODY. You look down my well hole – it’s 3 feet in diameter and swerves a bit – and shine a light down to the bottom, you see a teeny, itsy bitsy reflection the size of a silver dollar. That’s what daylight looked like to my well digger.

Personally, I’d drink gutter water collected in a dirty wood barrel before you got ME down a damp hole that could cave in any second. There are wells on the South End hand dug over 200 feet deep.. Light in those looks like a star at the end of the galaxy only Hubble can see….

Water’s always been a problem on the South End. We’re surrounded by it and we’re rained on by it most of the time and it always seems to leak its way into our shacks, but finding enough to drink, that’s another matter. My neighbors have Water Associations. Big wells. Giant holding tanks. Huge headaches. Saltwater intrusions. Government regulations. Plenty of opportunities to have contentious meetings and increasing dues and nasty lawsuits.

They wanted me and the mizzus to join up a few years back. Give em 10,000 dollars and I could enjoy the privilege of being ruled and regulated and taxed. I thanked em, but said no thanks, our pitiful well would just have to do. After all, it’s been working okay for 80 years, we might make it last a few more. A month later they sold a different neighbor that water share for 3000 dollars. That definitely puts a chill on the neighborhood picnic… I suspect they’ve got some kind of prejudice against loud thirsty banjo players……


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