political divide

Politics down here on the bucolic South End isn’t much different than most everywhere else in the Red/Blue USA, meaning, we’re a bruised Purple too.  Signs get vandalized and letters to the editor warn about Farmageddon if so-and-so wins.  Pastor Paul at the Little Church in the Ravine rails about the medical nettle legalization issue and turns downright apoplectic over the same sex marriage initiative.  He doesn’t even like the word SEX on the ballot much less Same sex.  Even God Hisself doesn’t use the word in the Holy Book, he fumes.  And the congregation either nods approvingly or sits in the back with their arms crossed.  More like Little Church in the Schism, these hot button days.  With only two weeks to the election, it’s touch and go whether the Flock can hang together.

These days even the South End has a south end, it’s that polarized.  We got the newcomers who want more fire and police, figuring, I guess they need quick response time emergency services for their next heart attack and some police protection for their BMW’s.  The old timers are too suspicious of government, even one they never see, to trust in much else than Smith and Wesson and a snarling dog chained near the porch.

Not that the dividing lines are so easily drawn.  We got libertarian anti-abortionists and we got Tea Party medical marijuana opponents.  We got folks who want government off their backs but want it in their bedrooms.  Well, YOUR bedroom.  We got folks who demand less taxes but more police.  We got folks who want less police but wanted Colton caught.  We got the people who vote based on Scripture and folks who want separation of mosque and state.  We got free range clammers and clamorers for free range.  It’s enough to knock the South End off its axis.

In the end I suspect it’s all sound and fury, much ado about nada.  You got a government that’s out of money, it’s broke all right.  Folks kind of forget we live on Camano, the Tijuana of Whidbey, the ugly step-sister, and on top of that, its keester end.  Vote yer conscience or vote yer wallet:  you’re still a long day’s drive from the reach of Rome.

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One Response to “political divide”

  1. Miss Kimberly Says:

    Jack for president!!!

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