You’re Fired!!
It took awhile, but it was an entertaining wait. If you’re waiting for that high minded, let’s get behind the newly elected president, concession speech, you’ve got an even longer wait. Inside the Ovoid Office, furniture is being smashed, aides are being trashed, and believe it, tongues are being lashed too. There is no going gentle into any good night for this spoiled brat. The chessboard has been overturned, the lawsuits filed, the sychophants lined up to agree that the election was rigged, ballots were faked, the dead voted and those mail-in ballots were illegal.
What did you expect? Well wishes for the country? A call for unity? High minded speeches? C’mon, the guy is a thug, a crime boss. He’s thinking about revenge, he’s looking for a club, he’s talking tough with Rudy, he’s crying foul on the phone to Fox News. He’s using a ball bat to smash Obama’s painting down the hall. The Trump Tantrum Show, ladies and gentlemen, is just on the pilot program. We have two more months to witness the greatest meltdown in U.S. history, greater than the Nixon drunken prayer meetings with Henry call me Hank Kissinger. This should be epic. Heads will fall, windows will be broken, bad craziness will be the order of the day. You think he’s leaving that White House without being dragged out of there, you weren’t paying attention the last four years. This petulant little man is stewing in his own ego.
How do exact revenge on the millions of people who voted against him? Oh, bet your stimulus check on it, he’s working on it. Grinding teeth, spitting obscenities, scaring the staff. Who’s got the nuclear football, they’re probably wondering. Who’s going to put the strait jacket on this foaming mouthed monster? Kellyanne? Mikey Pence? They’re hiding in the coat closet, hoping to survive two more months without insult or injury. Good luck, gang.
They know what he’s thinking. Once he’s deposed, the IRS and the federal courts are coming with subpoenas. The fines and penalties may scare him more than possible incarceration. The Wizard of Odd may very well be broke. He certainly won’t have fine clothes on behind the suddenly pulled back curtain. Just a naked jaybird. And very possibly a naked jailbird. No, don’t expect him to leave without a hook and a chain.
Hits: 140
Tags: End of the Trump Era, Goodbye Donald J., Poor Loser
We definitely should have required a security deposit before he moved into the White House.
I don’t know how big the linen closet is in the White House, but I bet all the crying towels will be stolen or just worn down to the threads. A security deposit would’ve been a great idea. But too late now.