Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the least racist one of all?

Well now, let’s see… is it Adolph Hitler? Could it be Pol Pot? What about David Duke? Maybe George Wallace? Hmm, tough call. But wait! I think it has to be Donald J. Trump! At least D.J. thinks so. And with that very big brain he has and an IQ right off the charts, he must be right. Oh, I know, he called the Mexican immigrants rapists and carriers of disease, criminals and gang members. But that isn’t racist if it’s true, is it?

And okay, he has a bit of a bias against Muslims. Mostly terrorists, but hey, he’s against their religion, not their race. Different, right? Doesn’t make him a racist, just a religionist … or something like that. Okay, he told those 4 Congresswomen to go back where they came from, maybe he didn’t know they were women of color. Being color blind, how would he know?? Those folks down in Charlottesville, all he meant was there were good folks on both sides. White supremacists and those who don’t like Nazis. Why pick sides? We got a big tent Republican Party now, no need to exclude folks for their beliefs.

So what if he called Baltimore a rat-infested mess? Just means he doesn’t love rats, not black folks. And this week he blamed the white supremacists in the same tweet he blamed liberal protestors and the mayor of Toledo, does that sound like a racist? Sure, he questioned Obama’s birth place? So what, he just wanted to see a birth certificate. And okay, when they produced one from Hawaii, he probably didn’t realize Hawaii had been part of the United States. History isn’t his strong suit, but … does that make him a racist?

The man is the least prejudiced man in America, at least White America. Not a racist bone in his big Mac super-sized body, near as anybody can prove. He pretty much dislikes everybody equally. I gotta tell ya, though, if Mr. T is the least racist guy in the country, and I think by now you’ll agree with that fact, I feel like turning myself into the NAACP as a thought criminal. If I’m more racist than this guy, I’m definitely a danger to myself and the neighbors. I don’t want to speak for you, but I think we both know we ought to join the KKK and quit kidding ourselves.

Hits: 66


2 Responses to “Mirror Mirror”

  1. Rick Says:

    You make a strong case that President DT’s no racist whatsoever and I have to agree. It’s clearly the liberals who misinterpret the intention of his occasional comments, or two, or three, every hour. At worst he’s an Accidental Racist. He’s Tweeting along, stream of unconsciousness style, and the words simply fall out of order. He might have said “rapists and criminals” when he really meant “fruit pickers and Mar-a-lago employees.” It’s a slip of the tongue that could happen to any of us.

  2. skeeter Says:

    You make a cogent point. The man, with his extraordinary brain, sometimes rushes beyond our own ordinary consciousness. And yes, a slip of the tongue could happen to you, me, maybe even the liberals. Which, of course, is why he has Kellyanne Conway to clarify. Sarah Huckme Sanders, she was an explainer extraordinaire, and it’s tough, really tough, to wade thru the liberal press’s phony news reportage without a paddle up that sewer creek with half a paddle. I’m with you, cut the man some slack, he’s doing he best he can.

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