Compassionate Conservatism Redefined

Rumor has it that Ivanka and Melania persuaded the Donald to stop separating the kids from their parents down at the borders. Even the usually gutless GOP Congress became alarmed at the creepy optics of children torn from their moms’ arms, wailing and crying, something out of old Nazi propaganda films. The Trumpster declared he wouldn’t back down, but his wife and daughter made their case and lo and behold, the President did his first about-face since taking office. He takes lots of U-turns and detours, but never reverses course. This time he did.

Course, next day Melania cruises down to the sunny Southwest to take a peek at conditions at the rendition centers, maybe tour the cages where the kids sleep on the floor, a sign perhaps that compassion, even in the Time of Trump, isn’t completely dead, just somnambulistic. So she wears her fashionable jacket with the words I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U? in huge script on the back. My knee jerk reaction was it must mean something else and the liberal lying media missed the joke or chose to characterize it in the worst possible light.

I mean, who the hell would make a pilgrimage to the detention centers after convincing her husband to show a modicum of compassion, and wear a jacket that screams I DON’T GIVE A DAMN, DO YOU???? Did she think twice when choosing her attire? Was the jacket so fashionably pleasing that the message on the back slipped by her completely? Did her staff mention it to her on the tarmac, maybe just leave the coat on the plane, Mrs. T….?

It’s incomprehensible. It’s stupid. It couldn’t be an oversight, now could it? Doing a great job there, Brownie, on that Katrina windstorm! A spokesperson declared they hoped the press would focus on her compassion, not her wardrobe, that there was no message intended. No message intended? Jeff Sessions said yesterday they hadn’t intended to separate the kids from the parents. Which is a provable fib. The Prez sez no one wants to see kids taken from their moms. But now he’s back on the stump blaming anyone but himself and crowing about longer detentions. Compassion in this crowd? Melania pretty much hit it on the head. They don’t really care. Do you?

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4 Responses to “Compassionate Conservatism Redefined”

  1. Rick Says:

    At the rate this administration is descending to new lows in human decency, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that while on board the plane en route to humiliate children in cages, she also hummed under her breath:

    Jimmy crack corn I don’t care,
    Jimmy crack corn I don’t care,
    Ole Massa gone away.

    Leaving us to wonder, would that make her a racist, or sympathetic to the plight of another oppressed minority? Fake news is so hard to parse these days.

  2. skeeter Says:

    I figure Melania takes an hour or two to get herself ready for public appearances. Make up, wardrobe, pedicure. Maybe after those exhausting duties, the woman is to be forgiven for not knowing folks might misunderstand her question and think she’s self-absorbed, when really, she’s just got too much on her plate. Who knew being the First Lady would be so hard?

  3. Melvis Says:

    Maybe Melania doesn’t read English, and Trump gave her the jacket.

  4. skeeter Says:

    I suspect Melania is the only one in that family who knows how to read. But not between any lines.

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