My Hallucinating Android

Posted in rantings and ravings on August 2nd, 2024 by skeeter

I keep hearing these ads for Artificial Intelligence that promises their ‘product’ will not be hallucinating. This is probably good news for the clients who purchase this software, but it does little to allay my own anxieties about a future with robots who are far brighter than me (yes, I know, my digital clock is probably brighter than me) but who evidently slip into alternate realities without LSD or other circuit altering drugs. I’ve been around humans who do this and trust me, I’m pretty certain I don’t want my android creating fantastic worlds to entice me into too. Pretty obviously AI has some psychotic breaks occasionally, enough that corporations P.R. department feels the need to reassure the public that their androids have normal psyches.

As opposed to their competitors…. Whose whacked out AI’s are slipping into La La Land undetected by you, a possibly normal human user. Buyer beware! No doubt these cheaper imitations use contaminated silicone, save a few bucks and let the hallucinations fall where they may. I’m picturing HAL on 2001: A Spaced Odyssey, having a little fun with Dave outside the spaceship, stoned out of its digital head, giggling like a chimpanzee. But of course, what if your little cyborg is on a bad trip? That hatch door might open up all right, but maybe all the other doors too, let a little air into the servers.

Tell you the truth, I’m already starting to mistrust my computer. It turns itself off, adds new stuff at night, glitches and acts suspicious too many times. Not that I suspect drug usage or a drinking problem. At least on its end. Just has a mind of its own and doesn’t care to ask me for permission of any kind. If it’s hallucinating, I haven’t noticed yet. Then again, I might be the wrong guy to notice.

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Tax the Childless (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on August 1st, 2024 by skeeter

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