Egg on Facebook

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 21st, 2018 by skeeter

Well, Mark Zuckerberg has told us for years that privacy is a thing of the past. In fact, he thinks we should embrace a completely public existence and just to help us out, Facebook opened up its vaults of your personal information to a political team called Cambridge Analytica working for Donald Trump. Cambridge Analytica harvested –I love that word — harvested data from 50 million Facebook users to use in the 2016 presidential campaign. Thanks, Mark!

Facebook attorneys point to the disclosure clauses all Facebook suckers agreed to in defense of their lack of security. You signed up, you gave up your rights, read the fine print, boys and girls. Somehow, though, I don’t think a legalistic defense is going to help these folks whose vision of the company apparently never included a premonition of what was coming. Russian bots, faux news stories, data mining, alt-right hoaxes, phony baloney trollers, political operatives and shady ‘friends’.

I have my own problem with the idea of Facebook as a public forum, but why air that opinion one more time? If folks want to sex-text, if the neighbors want to reveal to any and all what their favorite pizza topping is, if this is the way families and friends communicate in the 21st century, be my guest. Mark’s your guy. Me, I didn’t move lock stock and crackerbarrel down to the South End of a little known island so I could tell you my secrets. It’s why we call em secrets. And no, I don’t think it’s a crime against society to keep my privacy. Even if, as we all know, the security cameras, the GPS cellphone tracking, the Google algorithms, the entire tilt of the future is toward eliminating the individual and celebrating the public. Big Brother is definitely here, he just turned out to be a corporation, not the government, not the Deep State. And all he asked, in return for instant communication and information, was that you ‘friend’ him. Trust him. Serve him. Obey him. Read the fine print, it’s right there between the lines….

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audio — Drip Drip Drip

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on March 20th, 2018 by skeeter

Hits: 128

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Drip Drip Drip

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 19th, 2018 by skeeter

Trump Trump Trump. It’s a constant frontal lobe migraine drip, never ending, never letting up, never pausing for a breath. Trump Trump Trump, another blockbuster story followed by another and another, you hate to peek at a newspaper in the morning or turn on the radio or watch the television or scroll down the internet headlines. Trump Trump Trump. The man is a P.R. Machine, doesn’t matter if the publicity is good or bad so long as it grabs you by the lapels and gives you a good hard shake.

Prostitutes pissing on the bed the Clintons slept in in Moscow? Affairs with Playboy models while he was married to … one or the other of his wives? Deals with shady Russian businessmen? Meetings in his country clubs with foreign dignitaries? Selling Trump products while he’s President of the United States? Trump Trump Trump. Firing the head of the FBI? Filling his cabinet with totally unqualified lackeys or lobbyists bent on gutting their own agencies? Hiring his kids, qualified or not? Undermining the intelligence community? Trump Trump Trump. Denigrating his enemies? Bullying those who accuse him of wrongdoing? Petulance and pissyfits? Trump Trump Trump.

If entertainment is what you want from the White House, you got it, binge-worthy, eye-rolling, stomach-churning cliff hangers day after day. Trump Trump Trump, the air in the room is sucked out until nothing is left but Trump Trump Trump. White is black, night is day, truth is faux news, faux news is truth. You can scarcely believe this is happening, but wait, the next episode is already rolling. Indictments are rolling in, heads are rolling out, the Secretary of Something was fired yesterday and the new one is sworn in. More lies! More bullying! More threats! More firings! The cast of characters changes weekly and Trump Trump Trump claims he thrives on chaos, loves it, wouldn’t have it any other way.

The screws are tightening, the Mueller investigation is closing in, the associates and colleagues are singing like canaries to escape long prison terms, lawsuits are being filed to shut up the porn stars, how do you top yesterday’s episode??? Who is writing these scripts? Trump Trump Trump. What will we do when his show is canceled? What on earth will we do??? What stupid reality show can possibly take its place???

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audio — Stormy Daniels is a Russian Spy Mistress!!

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on March 18th, 2018 by skeeter

Hits: 106

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Put on yer Irish!! Tonight in Stanwood!

Posted in pictures worth maybe not a thousand words on March 17th, 2018 by skeeter

Hits: 189


Stormy Daniels is a Russian Spy Mistress!!

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 17th, 2018 by skeeter

Stormy Daniels is a Russian spy mistress intent on destroying the United States of America. If you don’t believe it, ask yourself this: why did Trump fire the Secretary of State on the morning when Stormy Natasha Fatale’s ultimatum to the President that he accept the $130,000 hush money or Else ??? She and her attorney Boris Badanov aka Michael Avenatti have vowed to speak publicly on her yearlong affair with the Donald unless he takes back the slush money paid out by Trump’s own attorney, purportedly without his knowledge, who was merely trying to protect his friend from further shame and castigation shortly after the then candidate’s admission of groping women. To prevent that deadline from becoming the day’s headline, the President diverted the mainstream press’s attention by firing Rex Tillerson via Tweet. Mr. Tillerson had made the mistake a few months ago of calling the President a ‘fucking moron’, definitely fake news to serious journalists on Fox and Friends. Additionally Tillerson had agreed with the prime minister of England that Russia was behind the poisonings of a double agent and his daughter. Adios, Rex!

Obviously Stormy Daniels is a Russian operative, bent on destroying the good name of Donald Trump by disclosing what may seem obvious to the New York Times and the alphabet media, but has been denied repeatedly by the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, even if she did let slip that this affair had been litigated previously in the President’s favor. Stormy and her friend (and probable spy) Playboy model Karen McDougal, each claim to have had sexual affairs with the Commander-in-Chief, even suggesting he invited them to participate in a menage-a-trois. What this hints at is that the two women may also be engaged in a double operation with a definite French connection. Quelle Tristesse! So sad!!

Today the President himself filed a lawsuit against Ms. Daniels for $20 million for violating the non-disclosure contract for the affair he claims he never had with Stormy D. I-never-had-sex-with-that-woman —– sounds vaguely familiar. Nearly half of Republicans polled this week believe the President has been faithful to his wives. 2% of Democrats believed he was faithful. This may tell us more about the GOP’s notion of ‘faithful’ than it does about the Donald’s illicit affairs. Apparently a non-disclosure contract with hush money negates an actual sexual act by a married man. Read the small print, I guess. Yesterday Stormy opened a crowd-funding site to help her with the $130,000 she’ll lose if she tells all to the press. She hit that mark in less than 24 hours. You know, and I know, the Russians donated the money. Quelle Tristesse!! Let’s see if they’ll pony up the 20 million. Or was that the gold bullion shipment that fell off the plane in Yakutsk yesterday? Coincidence? You be the judge.

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audio — Alien Invaders Take Over the White House!!

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on March 16th, 2018 by skeeter

Hits: 164

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Alien Invaders Take Over the White House!!

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 15th, 2018 by skeeter

In a hastily called news conference in the White House briefing room a visibly flustered Sarah Huckabee Sanders denied claims that the Administration had been infiltrated by beings from another galaxy. When questioned repeatedly concerning reports that the President had been abducted and replaced by shape-shifting aliens from beyond our solar system, she answered unequivocally ‘Fake News’.

Reports from the CIA and FBI, as well as from the NSA, would seem to contradict Ms. Sanders’ denials. In a much watched interview on 60 Minutes, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was unable to answer even the simplest questions, raising concerns in the press that her intergalactic captor had replaced her brain with its own but had not downloaded terrestrial data before the show. Sudden policy reversals by the President himself would indicate extremely aberrant behavior explained in part by cerebral hijacking by body snatching invaders. Further, the rash of cabinet members and staff suddenly and impulsively fired lends credence to the conspiracy theorists’ belief that the White House is being replaced one by one by creatures whose intention is still unknown to us.

Jake Tapping, of CNN, asked when the White House was made aware that the Russian leadership had been similarly replaced, from Vladimir Putin on down, and wasn’t this why the Administration refused to criticize Russian efforts to delegitimize American elections? Ms. Sanders declined to answer and moments later the press corps was horrified when Mr. Tapping was reduced to smoking ash shortly after a crackling blue light blinded the room. Sanders suggested Mr. Tapping had needed to use the restroom when his absence was noted by fellow journalists. She reminded the assembled news people that smoking in the briefing room was, under no circumstances, allowed. “Please don’t let that happen in the future if you know what’s best for you,” she warned with her trademark crooked smile.

Meanwhile a wary nation waits for some Announcement from the President. Or his children. Strange beams of light have been seen emanating from the Washington Monument and tours there have been canceled indefinitely. An unidentified porn star stepped forward this week to suggest the creature masquerading as Donald Trump has genitalia not of this earth, but when interviewed yesterday she refused to make further comment, citing a no-speech contract for $250,000. A worried population waits for further developments and analysis from Fox and Friends. Stay tuned.

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audio — Pity Poor Melania

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on March 14th, 2018 by skeeter

Hits: 166

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Pity Poor Melania

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 13th, 2018 by skeeter

Poor Melania. Another revelation of her husband’s phake news philandering. More stories of her embarrassment. Slinking back to Trump Tower to avoid the questions from the press. Talk of divorce, estrangement, disgust. Gimme a break.

I’m betting she signed a contract along with those wedding vows to keep quiet. Everyone else did. National Enquirer ponied up the money, killed the stories and keeps churning out those headlines about Hillary a year after the election was supposedly won by their favorite son. Maybe you don’t check out their covers in the checkout line, but trust me, they don’t pick on Trump or the First Lady. This is what Tabloid Propaganda looks like. Forget about the lamestream media. Fox and the Enquirer have a copyright on that.

And now the FBI has indicted those Russian trollers and hackers with who knows how many Americans coming next. Fake news!! Always fake news. You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!!! I bet Melania can handle it. If anyone knows the dark heart of Donald, she and Stormy do. He’s a serial womanizer. Hell, he admitted it, what more do you want! These new revelations, let’s just call it icing on the cake. The one the naked lady will burst out of. A good percentage of the ‘base’ wishes they had his lifestyle, his money, his gold toilet, his women. The American Dream, they think. Win the Lottery, live like Donald. Be a TV star, be the President of the United States.

No, save your tears for someone other than Melania. She bought the store hook line and slinker. They say she cried when her man won the election. Well, join the club, sweetheart.

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