the grange gig
Posted in rantings and ravings on September 19th, 2012 by skeeterWe got a Grange Hall on the South End. Still got members even. Okay, not many, just a few Die-Hards holding on by a toenail, trying to keep the place from sinking into the tideflats or falling into the hands of some fast buck developer bent on high rise condos that face the Sound. The South End String Band threw in with these Grangers back in ’04, sold $5 tickets that got you a dinner and an aural onslaught by an 11 member ensemble. Made nearly 4 grand and kept the place open another decade.
But …. Times being what they are, the good folks at the South Grange need a little help once again. So the Band, now as downsized as the Grange is, decided to throw in once more. After all, these are the folks who organized and built Camano State Park with 1000 volunteers from the island and Stanwoodopolis back in 1949. And they did it in one day!
We’d like to make this an annual event, tie it in with the Harvest Jubilee and keep Tradition moving into the 21st Century. Come on down Saturday Sept. 22nd and listen to the South End String Band regale you with a night of Camano backwash roots music and plenty of tall tales, exaggerations and outright lies. Where else you gonna get that outside of a political rally? And all for a $5 suggested donation. Good cause, good people, good band (we warned you there’d be bald-faced lies) plus we’ll be offering a full meal deal of beer and wine plus snacks and dessert offerings.
Mosey down and help us out. The South Grange — still standing. Just like us.
Saturday Sept. 22nd 6 pm to when the cows come home. 2227 South Camano Drive (just south of Elger Bay Store) Shoes and shirt not necessary.
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